TERMS OF SERVICE (hereinafter "TOS") Promusicsoftware (as follows "Promusicsoftware", "we" or "the company") is the creator and provider of WINLIVE AUDIO AI service, which includes our website (www.promusicsoftware.com), API, desktop and mobile apps, collectively "The Service". Using the Service provided by Promusicsoftware, the user accepts to be committed to the following Terms of service ("TOS"). Each time, we may update the TOS without any warning. -Use of the service In consideration of your use of the Service, you declare and ensure that: (I) You, as an adult, are able to pledge a restricted contract and that you are not someone to whom is forbidden to get services in accordance with the laws of any applicable jurisdiction; And that: (II) Your use of the Service does not break any applicable law or rule. The registration data and some other information about you are subordinated to our Privacy Notice, which for reference is incorporated here in its entirety. For further information, consult our entire Privacy Policy at the address (https://www.promusicsoftware.com/static.php?cam10code=104). Understand that through the use of the Service, you agree to the collection and the use (as established in the Privacy Notice) of this information. You agree to not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, sell back, use for business purposes or for profits any part of the Service, use of the Service or access to the Service. You consent to use the Service only for study, entertainment and research purposes in a strictly private and personal way. -Declaration of non responsibility on the Copyright The user is the only responsible for the use and the distribution of the uploaded audio files and the "final results" audio files. The service is a neural net which divides the audio files into separated vocal and instrumental tracks. The Service does not save or distribute any content uploaded in the operating system. The files and the "final results" of the processing are eliminated immediately from our servers, therefore it is not possible to ask for a copy of your uploadings and/or "final results" processed previously. -Special warnings for international use Recognizing the Internet global nature, you agree to respect all the local, state, national or international laws and regulations applicable on the subject of online behaviour, copyright and use of the Service. -Exclusion of responsibilities Promusicsoftware and its mother society, subsidiary, associates, agents, employees, partners, licence providers and other representatives are not responsible for any complaint or request, including legal expenses popped out from any third parties due to, coming from or in connection with: (I) Contents that you send, post, broadcast or make available through the Service; (II) Your use or access to the Service; (III) Your connection to the Service; (IV) Your violation of the TOS; (V) Your violation of any person's right; (VI) Any tax that comes from the purchase or the use of the Service, in any national or other kind of jurisdiction, with no limitations, imposed on the sales or the use. -Limitation of responsibilities You understand and explicitly accept that Promusicsoftware and its subsidiary, associates, agents, employees, partners, licence providers and other representatives will not be responsible regarding you of direct, indirect, accidental, special damages or consequential damage included, but not restricted to, damages due to loss of profits, use, data or other material or intangible losses (Although Promusicsoftware was informed of the change of these damages), which come from: (I) The use or impossibility of using the service; (II) The cost of the provision of substituted goods and services which come from goods, data, information or purchased or received services or received messages or transactions made through or by the Service; (III) Unauthorized access or alteration of your transactions or data; (IV) Declarations or behaviours of thirds on the service; (V) Or any other question related to the Service. -Changes to the Service In any moment Promusicsoftware sets aside the right to change or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or part of it) with or without warning. You agree that Promusicsoftware will not e responsible regarding you or regarding thirds for any change, suspension or interruption of the Service. -Property rights You recognize and accept that the Service and any necessary software used concerning the Service include proprietary and confidential information that are protected by the intellectual property applicable and by other laws. Furthermore, you recognize and accept that the Contents in our sponsors'ads or in the information you are showed through the Service or by the advertisers are protected by Copyright, commercial brands, service brands, patents or other rights and property laws. Except for what exclusively authorized by Promusicsoftware or by advertisers, the user accepts to not modify, rent, hire, lend, sell, distribute or create derived works based on the Service or the Software, in whole or in part. Promusicsoftware grants you a staff, right and licence which are non-transferable and unexclusive to use the object code of your own Software on a personal computer, and are subjected to the terms and conditions of the current contract. The user must not (and must not allow thirds to) copy, modify, create a derived work, decode, reverse engineering, or attempt in any way to discover any origin code, sell, assign, grand to sublicense o transfer any right on the Service. General information The TOS make up the whole agreement between you and Promusicsoftware and regulate the use of the Service, replacing any previous agreement between you and Promusicsoftware regarding the Service. You could also be subjected to additional terms and conditions which might be applied when you use or purchase other specific Promusicsoftware services, affiliation services, third parties' contents or softwares. -Announcement and future changes Promusicsofware can give you announcements, including the ones regarding the changes to the Terms of Service (including the Privacy Notice), via e-mail or through the website. You agree to review the TOS regularly (including the Privacy Notice), so as to be aware of the possible changes. The continued use of the Service after potential changes states the acceptance of the modified TOS (and of the other agreements, policies, rules and guidelines mentioned in the current document). Except for an explicit indication against Promusicsoftware, new potential functions, new services, improvements or changes to the Service carried out after the initial access to the Service will be subjected to these TOS. Promusicsoftware inability to employ or make any TOS right or position respected will not represent a surrender towards that right or position. For questions or clarification, please contact: info@promusicsoftware.com Promusicsoftware